Will 2021 See a Return to "Normal"

As the new year begins, many may wonder if life will return to normal. This is reasonable. Vaccines for COVID-19 are beginning to be distributed and new leadership in Washington DC is about to begin. Yet, a recent article in Marketing Insider by Molly Lewis suggests that “There Will Be No Return To Normal”. She opines that despite everyone’s desire for normalcy again, many simply do not “comprehend the implications of the pandemic’s deep and lasting impact on the human condition as we know it.” And there is data to support Molly’s observation.

As the article discusses, in a study, “The Human Condition 2020: Shock to the System,” surveying Americans on their views in face of a pandemic, a vast majority (87%) do not believe we will return to normal highlighting issues such as stagnating careers. Moreover, these concerns will have an impact on how marketers base their assumptions for strategic planning moving forward.

Molly does offer an encouraging perspective. Many respondents in the survey indicated they were making positive lifestyle changes. This outlook can provide marketers with fresh insights on how to develop their marking mix in the post-pandemic marketplace. As she concludes:

For marketers struggling to understand their consumers today, these findings are critical. Truly understanding the varied experiences people are having — particularly as it relates to our relationships, our sense of place, and our personal purpose — is vital to creating meaningful and compassionate action with brands, employees, and individuals.
— Molly Lewis

With the new year in its early days, COVID-19 vaccinations underway, and hope for post-pandemic life, marketers need to evaluate their marketing plans NOW. The pandemic has resulted in changes in consumer behavior and attitudes.

Are your company and brand prepared for what comes next?

The source for this post was from Molly Lewis’s Marketing Insider article: “There Will Be No Return To 'Normal'“




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